Case Study - Significant resources and cost optimization of Iberion Group portals

Facing rising costs and performance challenges with their existing digital platforms, the Iberion Group partnered with folx to undergo a transformative overhaul, resulting in significant cost savings, enhanced site performance, and unparalleled web experiences.

Iberion Group
Enterprise App modernization, development and consulting

In a digital age where websites and online portals are the face of a company, ensuring optimal performance, uptime, and cost-effectiveness becomes paramount. The Iberion Group, a conglomerate with numerous media outlets, realized the need for a significant overhaul in their digital presence. They sought a partner to facilitate this transformation and found their answer in folx.

The Challenge

Iberion Group's existing portals, powered by NextJS and hosted on Vercel, were accompanied by expensive SaaS CMS solutions. The rising costs, coupled with the limitations of these platforms, made it clear that a transition was imperative to achieve both cost optimization and improved performance.

The Solution

1. Platform Transition: folx took the helm of the significant task of migrating the existing NextJS application off Vercel. The transition was not just about a change in hosting; it involved moving to a custom-made Python framework and infrastructure designed specifically for the Iberion Group's needs.

2. CMS Overhaul: The expensive SaaS CMS was replaced with free, open-source alternative. This move was not just a cost-saving measure but also offered more flexibility and control over content delivery and management.

3. Maintenance and Upgrades: folx didn't stop at migration. They undertook the responsibility of maintaining and continuously upgrading the custom Python framework, ensuring it met the ever-evolving demands of the digital landscape.

4. Enhanced Content Delivery: With folx, the Iberion Group benefited from content delivery solutions previously unavailable with their old vendors. This made content dissemination faster, more reliable, and tailored to their audience.

5. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: folx provided round-the-clock support, ensuring high availability (HA) and site reliability engineering (SRE). This support guaranteed the Iberion Group's websites remained accessible, even with surging traffic.

6. Cost-Effective CDN Solution: With a plethora of media to deliver, folx provided a cheap CDN solution, optimizing costs without compromising on speed or quality.

The Outcome

With folx's intervention, the Iberion Group saw:

  • Cost Optimization: The transition to open-source CMS and the custom Python framework significantly reduced operational costs.

  • Increased Uptime: The HA and SRE practices implemented by folx ensured the websites remained live and accessible, even during peak traffic times.

  • Enhanced Sites Performance: The custom Python framework, tailored specifically for the Iberion Group, ensured optimal site performance.

  • Improved Web Vitals: The migration and ongoing maintenance led to better web vitals, ensuring visitors had a smooth and responsive experience on the websites.


  • JavaScript
  • NextJS
  • Linux Server
  • TypeScript
  • Python

Their support for the operation of our websites has been exceptional, and they have provided timely and effective solutions to any issues that have arisen.

Jan Krus, Board Member
average site performance boost
Cost reduction

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